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Guidetogoa was not registered by domain investor, yet she is being harassed in goa
One of the never ending frauds of indian intelligence agencies is how citizens are harassed for owning domain names, though they have not registered the domain name. The domain name guidetogoa was registered for a relative of the domain investor for free , since the relative is and was an employee, and owning domains may be a problem.
The relative never paid any registration fee or expenses for the domain, it was just a hobby for him and lost interest in the domain name, and since the domain investor was making plenty of money in 2006-2010, she had given the domain free.
yet the intelligence and security agencies in goa, are hounding the domain investor, though she did not register the domain, and also most of the content was not created by her, she is holding the domain since it is an aged domain -
Color fixer not working for some clothes
Usually the color fixer, the domain investor has is fairly effective in preventing the loss of color in new clothes.
After the clothes are dipped in the water containing the color fixer, they will stop losing color.
When these color fixed clothes are put for drying there is usually no color leaking.
The domain investor had purchased some nighties from the panaji fest for Rs 150 each, which is usually the low end price of the nighty.
The nighties had a very nice print.
The nighty was put in the color fixer for a long period of time, however the color continued to leak
Additionally the plastic bucket also was covered with a thick coating of the dye.
Using clothes with leaking color is extremely dangerous, since other clothes will also get colored
Increasing the color fixer amount has also not helped,the color continues to leak
Now the domain investor is looking for new color fixers for these nighties, since the Rs 100 color fixer is almost over, and very few shops in goa are stocking the color fixer. -
Few sellers for lycra/spandex kurtis
Are you looking for “beste actionkamera”? Check out proguiden The passionate experts in this field are ready to answer all of your requests.
Lycra/spandex kurtis are a very good investment, because they can be worn even if the person has put on weight
Almost all clothes, especially cotton clothes will not fit, if a person has put on weight
On the other hand lycra/spandex kurtis will fit even if the person has put on a few inches in size
So for a person whose weight has fluctuated, it is better to purchase lycra/spandex kurtis
However there are few online sellers for lycra/spandex kurtis
For most online listings the description is very vague
So there is no guarantee that the item delivered will be made from lycra/spandex
many of the sellers will get more sales, if they ensure that their listings are detailed with specifications -
Huge amount of clothes wasted due to weight gain
R&AW, cbi, ntro, google, tata are quick to make fake allegations of black money, if a person does not spend money daily, however they do not realize that money is kept aside for purchasing clothes
Each kurti alone is costing Rs 700-800 each and it is difficult to find a person/store who is selling suitable clothesDue to the endless mental harassment, cheating, exploitation and fraud by google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw, the domain investor is under a lot of stress, resulting in weight gain. So most of the clothes which were purchased 4-5 years ago, are not fitting
The domain investor is forced to spend her money to purchase new clothes
However shopping for new clothes takes a lot of time, since the different designs have to be checked, size and materialOther than preserving the clothes so that they can be used later, there is nothing which can be done about the excellent quality clothes
Only a few large sized old clothes are being used at present. -
Most inexpensive clothes are not of very good quality
While there are some suppliers of inexpensive clothes, one of the major problems faced is that they are not of good quality. Some of the major problems faced with inexpensive clothes are
– colors is not fast, the color is washed off. So these clothes cannot be washed in a washing machine with other clothes, as the color will damage other clothes, they have to be washed separately. For clothes sold on teleshopping they will specify that the material is colorfast, while most offline stores do not specify if the clothes they are selling are colorfast
– the clothes are not double stitched, so the stitches will disintegrate, especially for nighties and tight clothes. The user has to stitch them again
– the fabric is not of good quality, it will fade or tear after a few monthsstudy at universidad politecnica salesiana
Color fixer liquid very effect in stopping color bleeding from clothes and fabrics
For most of the clothes sold offline, the seller does not specify whether the color is fast or not.
Only when the clothes are soaked in water for the first time, the buyer finds out about the quality of the dyes used
If the color is bleeding, the clothes have to washed separately, else all other fabrics will also get color stains, damaging them.
So the clothes buyer has to wash these clothes separately and cannot use the washing machine.
Some companies in Mumbai are making and selling color fixer liquid which can stop bleeding of the fabric.
One liquid was tried with a number of clothes, and it could fix almost all the problems.
The clothes have to soaked in a solution containing the liquid and water for some time, and the problem is fixed.
So if you have a problem with color bleeding, or clothes losing color, the color fixer liquid is the best option.
For more details send an email to -
Size details of clothes sold via teleshopping
One of the reasons why many women do not purchase clothes via teleshopping and online, is that details of the material and exact size is not available,
Many of the online websites have very less accurate information available on the sizes of the clothes
Even on teleshopping websites, they are showing the size chart , how it is shown for a very short period of time, hardly enough time for viewers to read the dimensions
Homeshop18 has sizes from Small to 4XL, Ezmall has sizes only from small to XXL
However Ezmall is providing more details of the clothes which they are selling , for example the length of some kurtis is specified as 41 inches or 43 inches while this information was not provided for the kurtis sold by Homeshop18 on 8 August 2018Kindly note that google,tata sponsored goan sex worker sunaina chodan, siddhi, cheater housewives nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, indore document robber veena, gujju housewife naina, asmita patel, ruchika, and other raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not associated with the website in any way at all, as they do not do any work, do spend any money online yet are making fake claims. this disclaimer has been posted because ntro, raw, cbi, indian and goan government are making fake claims to justify the wastage of tax payer money paying salaries to these lazy fraud women at the expense of the google competitor, real domain investor, who has become broke due to google, tata, ntro sex, bribery racket, financial, banking fraud since 2010.
One theory why Times of India, goa times criticized Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and his families fashion sense
Stand out with our fabulous range of 50s style dresses, retro clothing and unique Vintage Clothing from the 1920s to the 1980s hand picked by us, from around the world.
While there is nothing wrong in wearing indian clothes, times of india and goa times were extremely harsh and unfair in criticizing Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, his family for the clothes they were wearing during their indian trip , saying that he should have worn western clothes of indian designers like former american first lady michelle obama, not indian clothes when he is visiting India with his family
This could be because CIA , indian security agencies are increasingly forcing indian citizens, especially women to wearn western clothes and women who wear indian clothes like salwar kameez, kurti are finding that they are increasingly denied the income and opportunities they deserved, only because of their clothes, they are not westernized enough
For example the indian, goan government,NTRo, R&AW,cbi, security agencies are falsely claiming that the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees like sex workers slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,gsb fraud riddhi nayak, ruchika king, deepika, asmita patel and others, who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online, are online experts, only because they are mostly wearing western clothes, like jeans, tshirts, shirts, skirts, pant suits.In corporate india, especially in the tech sector, women who wear indian clothes are mocked as behenjis and are not considered for jobs . The security agencies want all educated indian women looking for jobs to wear western clothes, otherwise they falsely will label them as bangladeshi migrants, kamwali bais, defaming them . These powerful government employees want all indians especially women to feel ashamed of wearing indian clothes
So when Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau visited india and wore indian clothes , the powerful officials who are leading the drive of westernization of indian corporate world, corporate clothes and fashion, were upset, and ensured that the mainstream media ruthlessly criticized the canadian prime minister, though he was one of the youngest leaders of any major country to visit India.
Dimensions of ladies bags not listed accurately online on Amazon
Purchasing a bag online is a highly risky business for most brands because there is no guarantee of the quality of the material which will be used and the design. Baggit is one of the few indian brands which ensures that the external material, lining and zip quality are fairly good, so that the bag can be used for months, years without having to be repaired, carry a heavy load.
Since it is not easy to find a supplier of Baggit bags in Goa , the domain investor decided to order the bag online from Amazon, and to check the quality of the listings on Amazon
Though the bag was delivered quickly there appears to be a problem in the dimensions of the bag, the length is indicated as more than the height in the Amazon listing, when actually the bag delivered has a height more than the length
The domain investor has used Baggit bags extensively for many years and she wanted to replace her old Baggit bag , which was damaged after being used for many years.She measured her old Baggit bag, and was hoping to get something of a similar size. However in reality the bag delivered appears to be smaller in size and with less carrying capacity
So now she has to consider purchasing another bag , for long distance travel, where she will require a bag with more carrying capacity and hope the dimensions listed online are accurate. The online sellers for Baggit bags would find their customers would be more happy if they listed the exact dimensions of the bag for sale.NTRO employees are hounding the domain investor, falsely claiming that the content she produces is spam, why are they not taking action against the online sellers, who do not list the dimensions of their bags and other products accurately online , causing problems for the online buyer. These bags are not cheap, so the seller should take care to ensure correct dimension listing
Clothes sets worth more than Rs 30 lakh sold in a few hours at Homeshop18
With the indian government refusing to end the google, tata masterminded online sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud on women domain investors, the domain investor whose identity is stolen by 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,naina, veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees is forced to look at other options,
For example the indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena , who looks like actress deepika padukone stole the documents of the domain investor, google competitor , a crime under section 378 of the indian penal code in 2010, yet the criminal companies sundar pichai led google , tata were so overjoyed with her crime of stealing her relatives documents, that fraud companies rewarded the indore criminal housewife with a R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore section 420 fraud housewife veena, who is only looking after her house and family, has never invested any money online owns the websites, bank account of her victim, the domain investor legally owning this and other websites to pay the indore criminal a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of her victim.Anothe example examples of sundar pichai led google’s fraud, isthat along with tata, it has allegedly bribed powerful fraud top government officials like mhow cheater puneet, parmar, and others to abuse their powers, falsely claim that a school dropout gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons,born in kolhapur, illegally married at 16, mother of two sons , who looks like actress sneha wagh, who has never invested any money online, has the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of the google competitor, to get the eighth standard pass gujju housewife a cbi job with monthly salary and great powers at the expense of the broke google competitor who is working like a slave
The shameless school dropout cbi employee naina has plenty of money to purchase an expensive maruti vitara car costing Rs 12 lakh for her lazy fraud son, to pay the market price and purchase this domain and other domain names legally Instead, she relies on powerful fraud top government officials like parmar with whom she is having an extra marital affair, and BRIBETAKING TOP RAW/CBI/NTRO employees to make fake claims about the domain names, to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The powerful greedy shameless gujju identity theft gang hired as contractors by the sundar pichai led google to destroy the engineer, like the goan gsb frauds hiding behind goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak , who looks like actress kangana ranaut, do not think that there is anything wrong in stealing the identity of women engineers, domain investors to get their relatives and associates a cbi job at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor
Bank records,income tax returns will easily expose the domain ownership fraud, however the top ntro, raw, cbi employees are such shameless section 420 frauds and liars, that they are taking massive bribes from the indore criminal gang of document robbers, veena, deepika and mahesh and others, to abuse their powers and make fake claims, so that the indore fraud veena and other google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree get a monthly government salary without doing any work, without investing any money, at the expense of the domain investor who is working like a slave and getting nothing.
In other sectors, the person investing money is at least acknowledged , and leads, orders are not blocked, unlike the section 420 fraud liar controlled indian internet sector where top officials and companies are openly involved in a online sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud
For example on Homeshop18, at least 3000 sets of clothes were sold on 9 August 2018, based on the comments of the teleshopping models who were mentioning the number of orders received.
Each set of clothes was costing Rs 1299 , so the total sales in a few hours were more than rs 35 lakh
Each set consisted of
6 kurtis of different prints, French crepe fabric,
2 leggings
2 dupattas of length 2 meter
The sets were available in 5 different sizes
XXLThey were also offering a Free Microwave oven to the lucky winner.
So the seller will be paying a fee to Homeshop18, however they must be selling clothes worth lakhs in a few hours, while online it is very difficult to get any orders, however hard the domain investor may try
Based on personal experience, a kurti with material can be stitched for Rs 100 or less, legging cost rs 100, and a dupatta costs Rs 80 or less
So even the domain investor can supply the package for Rs 960 or less, since fabric purchased in bulk, will be far cheaper, the package could cost Rs 700 or less for the clothes manufacturer
However many hours are spent online, there are almost no orders and payment is blocked repeatedly
it is one of google, tata, ntro’s greatest fraud, that working online, owning domains in India is very lucrative, stitching and selling inexpensive clothes through teleshopping networks is far more lucrative and less frustrating as the Homeshop18 sale proved.
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