• Most inexpensive clothes are not of very good quality

    Date: 2018.09.30 | Category: Uncategorized | Tags:

    While there are some suppliers of inexpensive clothes, one of the major problems faced is that they are not of good quality. Some of the major problems faced with inexpensive clothes are
    – colors is not fast, the color is washed off. So these clothes cannot be washed in a washing machine with other clothes, as the color will damage other clothes, they have to be washed separately. For clothes sold on teleshopping they will specify that the material is colorfast, while most offline stores do not specify if the clothes they are selling are colorfast
    – the clothes are not double stitched, so the stitches will disintegrate, especially for nighties and tight clothes. The user has to stitch them again
    – the fabric is not of good quality, it will fade or tear after a few months

    study at universidad politecnica salesiana