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Prices of clothes on Amazon increases when there is no Fashion sale
Amazon periodically has fashion sales, and the prices of the clothes are usually far lower during the sale period. When the sale is over, the sellers on Amazon are increasing their prices to a very great extent.
For example the domain investor ordered a anarkali top costing Rs 349 during the sale, and the price increased to Rs 599 after the sale was over
So though the clothes are not required immediately, it is better to purchase during the sale since clothes get spoiled quickly
For example some clothes purchased a few months ago, have already developed holes. -
Cbazaar, indian online sellers should be aware that greedy goan cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, is only an EXTORTIONIST, ROBBER she has no online investment, no online income
Cbazaar is an online store, selling expensive indian and other clothes
Google, tata, indian internet sector are aware that favorite panaji EXTORTIONIST cbi employee goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband CROOKED caro, working in security agencies, does no computer work,
Yet to BRIBE ROBBER riddhi’s fraud father nayak, crooked caro working in security agencies, google, tata, indian internet sector companies are stealing all the data of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor to make FAKE CLAIMS about greedy goan housewife riddhi, so that greedy goan ROBBER riddhi gets a monthly cbi salary for FAKING bank account, online income at the expense of the single woman
This financial fraud of google, tata, indian internet sector has left the real domain investor broke, she cannot afford to purchase expensive clothes from cbazaar. So the single woman had unsubscribed from the cbazaar emails, yet she continues to receive the spam emails daily.Since google, tata, DISHONEST FRAUD pampering indian internet companies do not have the honesty, humanity to end their financial fraud on the single woman, cbazaar and others should stop spamming the domain investor, since their favorite extortionist cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, does not read the emails, she only relies on her fraud father, her husband crooked caro, sugar daddy liar ntro employee vijay, to make fake claims about computer work, so that cbi employee ruthless ROBBER riddhi gets a monthly cbi salary only for FAKING bank account.
For 10 years, google, tata , indian internet companies ruthlessly ROBBED the single woman who had no one to help or defend her, now the single woman is not going to tolerate the ROBBERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD
Cottonwalas anarkali is well designed and affordable
The domain investor likes to wear anarkalis because it is like a nightie, which can be worn both indoors and outdoors, unlike kurtis which have a large slit exposing the thighs if leggings or palazzos are not worn . Goa is one of the most westernized states in India, and comparatively few women wear indian clothes. So it is not feasible for most retailers to stock indian clothes at a low price.
So the domain investor was very happy to purchase the cottonwalas anarkali for Rs 459 which was within her budget
The maroon color is good, because any stains or dirt will not be visible.
The material used is cotton rayon blend, which is fairly thick.
The fitting of the anarkali was very good, only the length was vaguely specified that it was calf length, instead of the exact length.
So it was hemmed to reduce the length
There is some white machine embroidery on the top portion
It is extremely comfortable to wear.
The only disadvantage it has that it will lose some color, though the color does not adhere to other clothes
Kindly note that this a free review, after purchasing the anarkali on amazon, paying the full market price. For reviews of indian ethnic clothes, please contact on -
Unless specified most of kurtis available online do not have pockets
Most of the clothes available in local stores do not have pockets. The domain investor is mainly wearing sristi kurtis because they cost less than Rs 500 and have at least one pocket. While shopping online, she thought that the sristi kurtis would have pockets, so she purchased a few though the listing did not specify any kurti
When the kurtis were delivered, she found that they had no pockets
Now these pocketless kurtis will have to be used with alternate arrangements for keeping other stuff or a pocket will have to be attached
This indicates one limitation of shopping online, while purchasing offline, the buyer can check if there are pockets and only then purchase themFor more regular updates of the website, kindly advertise. Please that due to extremely high levels of CORRUPTION,BRIBERY in the DISHONEST indian internet sector, the indian and goan government is falsely claiming that the website belongs to the panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, riddhi nayak caro and other lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer work, yet get monthly government salary only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS because fraud shameless LIAR indian internet and tech companies like google, tata are supporting the panaji sindhi scammer family and others in their ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010
Largest size for Amazon brands Myx, Tavasya is XXL size, so a large number of potential customers cannot purchase the clothes
Amazon brands for womens clothes Myx, Tavasya are well designed and affordable.
However a major problem is that they are only only available in XXL size, which is 42 inches according to the size chart
While it is not clear how they decided to limit the size to 42 inches, they are leaving out a large market of women who would otherwise purchase the kurtis and will use them dailyMost of the women who wear kurtis in India are older women above the age of 40, most younger women are wearing tshirts and western clothes
For example goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan, almost never wears indian clothes, she wears only tshirts, shorts, dresses, jeans, shirts. Due to the decline in the metabolic rate, most of the women in India above the age of 40 are not very slim, they require 44 inches or more size. Most of these women like panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh have plenty of time and money because of the google, tata masterminded indian internet sector fraud, are getting their clothes stitched by a tailor, costing Rs 1500 or more.For the clothing manufacturer providing a few more inches in the garment, is not very expensive or difficult, but for the customer increasing the size of clothes which do not fit is very difficult, it is a waste of money. So most women prefer to purchase a large size of kurtis, so that their money will not get wasted, because of a smaller size.
Getting clothes stitched by tailors is very expensive, they are charging Rs 350 per set, while online some kurtis with material are available for Rs 300 or less, which can be used for daily wear -
Better Amazon kurti listing could greatly improve sales
It appears that many sellers on Amazon are not getting the sales they could, mainly because the product description they provide is not complete
Due to the financial fraud of the indian internet sector which is getting monthly raw salaries for frauds like greedy gujju asmita patel, indore robber deepika, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar, on her since 2010, the domain investor is only able to afford the cheapest clothes on amazon. The domain investor did not expect much, yet the garment which she purchased was fitting well, it was well stitched.
The material used is of reasonably good quality.
The kurti was of knee length which should have been mentioned
There are two pockets in front which most garments do not have
For a review of any amazon kurti, legging or other ladies garments listing, product description, to improve the listing and increase sales, please contact on -
Vague specifications of some garments make it difficult to purchase online
The domain investor does not have the time to go shopping and purchase clothes she wants from the local stores, since many of the local clothes shops are only stocking limited number of clothes costing Rs 600-700 , most are costing Rs 800 or more.
Yet many of the online sellers are providing extreme vague specifications for their listing on Amazon so ordering the clothes is like purchasing a lottery ticket, since it is very likely that the clothes will not fit
The domain investor has a large number clothes which she is not using only because they do not fit her at present.
For some of the kurtis listed , the length of the clothes is not specified and in other cases, a size chart is not provided for the chest size .
Providing the exact dimensions of the clothes, and materials used will not take much time, yet can greatly increase the sales of the kurtis and other garmentsKindly note that the domain investor can only afford to purchase the cheapest clothes because of the indian internet sector financial fraud on her, with well paid raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her websutes, domains
Please note that raw/cbi employees and their associates are not connected with the website in any way, since the cheater housewives are mainly cooking, cleaning for their cheater husbands, and other frauds are not doing any computer work, not investing money in domains, yet making FAKE CLAIMS since 2010, to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
Covid-19 pandemic forcing citizens to purchase clothes online
A large part of the complaints posted online are related to clothes ordered online and not being delivered. This is mainly because citizens are not able to find the clothes they want in the local stores at affordable prices.
The domain investor was purchasing clothes offline, yet because of the covid-19 pandemic, she is not travelling by air in airconditioned planes, and visiting airconditioned showrooms, since the chance of getting infected is far more. This forced the domain investor to purchase clothes online at Amazon, because the clothes she is wearing are now having holes, which will only become bigger if they are not replaced.
Many indians are lured by instagram advertisements, and are purchased at stores like Finifox fashion, stylofab, brothers footprint and others who do not deliver.
These online shoppers like goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina are complaining online, which exposes the great fraud of the indian internet sector, which falsely claimed that sunaina, with no online income was an online expert to get her a monthly raw salary, when sunaina has no knowledge of webhosting, domains, does not even know how to shut down a website -
Cheap kurtis costing Rs 135 are in great demand
Though people may ridicule those purchasing and wearing cheap kurtis, there is a lot of demand for these kurtis.
Some of the top selling kurtis on Amazon are costing Rs 399 for 3 kurtis or Rs 269 for two kurtis
So to check the quality of these kurtis, they have been ordered.
If the domain investor can exit the domain business where human rights abuses, labor law violations and FINANCIAL FRAUD is rampant, the kurti and clothes business is definitely interesting -
Most women’s kurti’s do not have a pocket, which is inconvenient
Many women do not drive vehicles, they either walk or use public transport.
In these cases, it is very inconvenient to open their bag everytime to remove their purse for making payment or removing an essential item like a mask. The mask will also become dirty when kept in the bag with other items
So some women prefer to purchase kurtis with at least one pocket, so that they can keep their face mask or mobile in it.
Yet when some research was done, most of the kurtis available for sale online, do not have any pocket at all
Hence these women cannot purchase some kurtis, though they may like the design, and the price is also affordable.
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