• India’s top domain fraudster greedy gujju raw employee amita patel wears expensive designer clothes at the opening of her new office

    Date: 2024.06.14 | Category: Uncategorized | Tags:

    One of the example of widespread social injustice, how the already rich greedy gujjus are cheating, exploiting, robbing citizens, investors from poorer communities, especially migrants from north karnataka, is how the shameless greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, like indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena, haryana fraud ruchita kinge, greedy goans refuses to purchase or pay for domains, yet is getting a monthly government salary, great powers for faking domain ownership, online income since 2013.
    With top tech and internet companies supporting her in her financial, online fraud, India’s top domain fraudster greedy gujju raw employee amita patel has become extremely rich and though the SHAMELESS GREEDY gujju cheater amita patel refuses to purchase even a single domain, she has plenty of money, opened a new office costing millions of dollars in April 2024.
    India’s top domain fraudster greedy gujju raw employee amita patel and her fraud family must have spent at least a few lakhs on the opening ceremony, yet she continues her fraud of faking domain ownership to get government salary. the gujju domain fraudster amita patel wore expensive designer outfits at the opening ceremony, while performing puja and other rituals. She prefers ghagra type outfits, and probably has them custom stitched for her, so that they fit properly.