• Women wearing hot pants increase skin area for mosquito and insect bites

    Date: 2018.06.26 | Category: Uncategorized | Tags:

    Wearing hot pants is considered fashionable and trendy in goa, and many women are spotted wearing hot pants in public places. However the fact remains that wearing clothes which expose the skin, is risky in a place like goa, where there a large number of mosquitoes and other insects

    Usually the mosquitoes are mainly attacking the skin where it is not covered, they usually do not attack the areas which are covered with a fabric , as the mosquito has to bite through the fabric and skin to reach the blood

    So though the hot pants may be fashionable and security agencies may admire women who wear hot pants and similar skimpy clothes, it is not very safe for the women who are wearing these clothes, as it increases the risk of mosquito and insect bites, causing itching in the short term and serious viral infections, malaria and other health problems in the long term