• Long kurtis are the new fashion trend in 2018

    Date: 2018.05.14 | Category: fashion | Tags:

    In April- May 2018, long kurtis for women are the new fashion trend
    They are almost completely covering the salwar, leggings of pants which are barely visible.
    These long kurtis are usually worn with lose printed palazzo pants
    Those who are fashion conscious, have enough money, have adopted this fashion trend, and many women at airports and other places are often spotted wearing these long kurtis
    However this fashion trend is not suitable or practical for those who are walking a lot, especially during the monsoon when it will rain heavily
    During the monsoon most of the cities and towns in India have plenty of puddles, accumulated water, and it is more uncomfortable wearing wet kurtis compared to wet leggings
    In some cases the longer kurtis also have a long slit in the middle to make it easier to walk. These kurtis will also require more fabric