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Many fashion websites using domains
When was launched by the Aditya Birla group ,it was the first major or high profile indian online fashion store with a domain name. Now it appears that another online fashion website from reliance group has been launched selling fashion related products from top brands. It appears that they are have a discount sale at present. It would be interesting to find the price at which the domains were sold to the current owners of and
Any fashion designer or distributor or retailer or online seller who wishes to purchase domain names at a reasonable rate can send an email to
Domain investors forced to spend money on expensive antiradiation fabric
As intelligence and security agency officials, especially in panaji goa are ruthless in stalking and torturing harmless domain investors and paypal account holders, with microwave radiation weapons causing great pain, whatever little money the domain investors are making, they are forced to spend it on expensive anti radiation fabric.
At present, the anti radiation fabric will cost at least Rs 1800 per meter
For covering the entire body from radiation, at least 3 meters will be required
During a mumbai visit, travelling to the office of the radiation fabric supplier will cost Rs 500 approximatelyUsually a domain investor can make only Rs 15000 a month as profit due to extremely hostile conditions, torture and about 50% of the income will be spent on anti radiation fabric to protect the harmless domain investor against the cruel animal like security and intelligence officials who take a sadistic pleasure in torturing harmless indian citizens, especially in panaji, goa . With the remaining money, a lot of expenses have to be paid including travel, food .
Yet the paranoid, cruel, incompetent animal like criminal intelligence and security agency officials continue to label the harmless domain investor who has very little money, as a security threat to stalk, sexually harass and torture her for more than 6 years.
Any supplier of inexpensive and effective anti radiation fabric can send an email to and
Clothes closet increases appraised home value
Designer clothes are expensive and can be used for a long time if they are stored properly. Hence it is recommended that a home has sufficient storage space for these expensive designer clothes in the form of a closet or in the wall cupboards. In case the home owner decides to opt for a reverse mortgage in his or her old age, the licensed appraiser should be informed about the provision made for storing the clothes, as it is an additional feature of the home, which will add to the resale value of the home at a later date.
Warning about false claims of sex specialist, housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian government employees
Kindly note that allegedly bribe by google, tata , the shameless fraud playboy ntro officials are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex partners R&AW employees slim jeans clad skeletal obc bhandari fraud sunaina chodnekar(with thick hair), goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena, ruchika, naina and other frauds are providing content and owning the website to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money on these lazy mediocre fraud women paying them a monthly salary.
In reality these google, tata sponsored fraud indian government employees have never done any work online or invested any money online in their life and are least interested in doing so, they are getting a salary for having sex with powerful officials, cheating, lies, betrayal and being relatives of powerful government officials.In reality NTRO officials have been bribed to defame the real domain investor allegedly by google, tata for their corporate goals, so these cunning officials are putting the domain investor under surveillance falsely claiming national security and then falsely claiming that all the work is being done by their sex partners, girlfriends and cheater relatives who are actually not doing any work at all.
The fact that the R&AW employee sunaina or sunny bunny is only the sex partner of the playboy ntro officials has become world famous. Anyone who can help the domain investor recover the money, about Rs 1.1 lakh, looted by R&AW shivalli brahmin fraud employee bbm nayanshree hathwar will be appreciated, as bengaluru police refuse to take any action against the brahmin fraud. R&AW, CBI, NTRO refuse to admit that these women have been hired for sex or cheating alone, they are not internet specialist at all.
However these shameless greedy indian intelligence agency employees who always want to take credit without doing any work are very sensitive to criticism and quick to shout defamation, when the factually correct news of their fraud will be published online. When the news of R&AW employee sunaina being the mistress/sex partner of top tata, google, ntro, cbi, raw officials was published as part of a sponsored reviews post, the post was rejected wasting the domain investors time as these officials continue to falsely claim that their lazy greedy goan sex partner R&AW employee sunaina, who does no work and does not invest any money online, owns the blog
It is very easy to legally prove that no R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employee owns the blog or associated paypal account
– check the whois address of the domain name
– check the Pan of the paypal account with the pan of the indian intelligence agency employee receiving a monthly salary
-check the bank account associated with the Paypal account.Why dont these lazy greedy fraud google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees open their own paypal account, invest their own money in domain names and websites why do they continue to behave like section 420 frauds and falsely claim to own the paypal account and domain names of a private indian citizen. There are some blogposts from sponsored reviews, linkworth and other internet advertisers on this website, visitors should be aware of the fact that the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari sex specialist slim jeans clad skeletal sunaina chodnekar , her fraud associates including a slim woman with a child residing at st inez and othe fraud indian intelligence employees are not associated with the website in any way at all.
Clothes for senior citizens
Over a period of time, most clothes if worn regularly get worn out and have to be replaced periodically. Senior citizens who do not have adequate income may find it difficult to purchase new clothes and this can cause health problems, especially during winter due to severe cold. In case the senior citizen owns his or her home, and does not receive any kind of financial assistance from any other person, the senior citizen may reverse mortgage the house to receive money from the lender which can be utilized to purchase fashionable clothes and pay for other expenses like food, utility bills, taxes, repairs.
TV presenter clothes
India may nominally be a free country, however it appears that mentally many of the young citizens especially in metro cities are living in western countries, their clothes and lifestyle is deeply influenced by western culture.
While the TV presenters in Goa wear a combination of Indian and western outfits which is acceptable, considering that Goa was ruled by the Portuguese for more than 500 years, the clothes of TV anchors reading Hindi and other regional news are not exactly suitable.
The hindi news readers are almost always dressed in western clothes which are not suitable for indian women due to their body shape, making them look fatter than they are. The western clothes are suitable for chinese and other women who are thinner compared to Indian women.It appears that Hindi news channels have banned the newsreaders from wearing Indian clothes, even for programs on Indian history and independence, the anchor will only wear western clothes which are not very suitable. When almost all Indian politicians wear indian clothes, why do TV anchors not do so.
Invitation to Collaborate with VIDA
Erica C. at VIDA (
I am reaching out to extend a special invitation to you to collaborate with our company, VIDA. We think your artwork would be a wonderful addition to VIDA’s collection of art as wearable apparel. At VIDA, we transform 2D artwork into elegant, scarves, tops, and dresses, and we’d love to add your artwork to our collection!
A little bit about VIDA:
VIDA is a Google Ventures-backed fashion e-commerce platform that brings together artists and apparel manufacturers from around the world to create original, inspiring apparel in a socially conscious way. We work with manufactures all over the world, and we offer literacy programs to our factory workers.
Becoming a VIDA designer is an easy 2 step process and should take less then 10 mins.
1: Create your profile at
2: Upload your artwork to create your products
Note: VIDA is 100% free to join and post artwork.
I hope you’ll accept our invitation to become a VIDA artist and join our ever growing global community of artists and designers. We will be deeply honored to have the opportunity to work with you.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I’m really looking forward to your submission on! I’ve included a bit more information about the process of becoming a VIDA designer below.
Erica Carter
Head of Artist Relations44 Tehama Street | San Francisco CA 94105
Phone: 1.877.529.VIDA | Mon – Fri 9am – 6pm PSTA little more about the process:
After your images are approved, we will make a special branded page for you with your artwork transformed into high-quality apparel and scarves. You may then share this page with your friends, family, and fans to help promote and sell your designs. We will produce, package, and ship your products to your customers and you’ll receive 10% of the net sales for every product sold, with no limit to how much you can earn. You earning depend entirely on your sales.
We’ve worked with world-renowned fine artists, photographers, designers, illustrators, and creatives like Trey Ratcliff, Lauren Rader, Karen Hutton, and Karen Walrond. Artists from VIDA have been discovered by and written about in popular publications and blogs including Women’s Wear Daily, Fashion Times, Fashionista, and more.
Has anyone used Vida, your feedback will be appreciated
Asymmetrical tops and kurtis in fashion
One of the main advantages of travelling to a large metro city is the opportunity to observe the latest fashion trends. At the airport and elsewhere travellers have to spend a lot of time waiting, and it is a good opportunity to observe the clothes and accessories worn by people, especially women. In April 2016, it appears that asymmetrical tops or kurtis were in fashion in Mumbai.
Usually the length of the clothes in the front and back side remains uniform for almost all clothes. However it appears that a smart and observant fashion designer noticed that when women bend the clothes or top which they are wearing is not long enough to cover their body properly, especially if the top is short. So he designed tops and kurtis where the length on the rear side will be at least 10 or 15 cm more than the length on the front side.
This trend was more popular for tops made from transparent material. However the trend has no perlocated to smaller cities and towns yet. -
Domain fraudster asmita patel in aurelia bag stalking incident
The lazy greedy gujju domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel does not want to take the risk of investing her hard earned money in domain names, relies on flirting, seducing powerful fraud officials, and defaming the real domain investor, a harmless honest single woman obc engineer to justify the R&AW salary the section 420 gujju domain fraudster is getting monthly.
The defamation slander of domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel and her crooked gang, allegedly including google, tata officials, consisted of framing the harmless engineer, claiming that she is a cheater, or demanding extra money. However the obc engineer and domain investor is very honest and despite her best efforts the shameless gujju domain fraudster asmita patel has not been able to frame her.
so the lazy greedy fraud R&AW employee asmita patel and her fraud associates in google,tata are ruthless in defaming the obc engineer on the basis of her appearance. the cruel criminal associates of lazy greedy fraud R&AW employees asmita patel, slim goan obc bhandari SEX bribe queen sunaina who has sex with fraud ntro, tata, google officials, brahmin fraud housewives nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb cheater riddhi nayak are ruthless in mercilessly torturing the harmless obc engineer with microwave weapons causing great pain, knowing that it will adversely affect her appearance.So today when the real domain investor went to a dry fruit store in panaji, goa , asmita patel and her associates had a person waiting with an aurelia bag, with his wife having straightened hair like the fraud R&AW employee asmita patel . With the cruel greedy fraud asmita patel and her cruel animal like associates criminally torturing the obc engineer,trying to murder her, wasting tax payer money, naturally her appearance has been adversely affected.
Just because a woman is not good looking due to daily human rights abuses of google,tata, ntro officials using microwave weapons, it does not mean that she loses the right to own the domain name or website . Asmita patel has straightened hair, is extremely talkative, a great flirt and good looking in a gujju way, however she remains a domain fraudster, liar with zero integrity . Hence clothing brands like Aurelia should be aware of the fact that no R&AW/CBI/government employee are associated with websites like Fashion Designer Guide and though powerful google, tata, government officials are making completely fake claims to defame the domain investor.
If the google, tata sponsored fraud government employees want to legally own the websites on fashion, clothes, they should be honest and pay the market price for the domain names, websites like domain investors, online business owners worldwide . Till then they should avoid duping people that the gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, who does not want to invest any money, owns domain names, websites of another indian citizen to get the domain fraudster asmita patel great powers.
Anti radiation garments required urgently
Domain investor requires the following anti radiation garments urgently to protect against the high radiation levels in panaji, goa which are causing great pain, memory loss and other health problems
– hat or cap
– gloves
– safety vest for front and back side
– overcoatPlease specify the frequency range and attenuation promised, prices, terms and conditions, sending details to . Looking for anti radiation fabrics which will work against radiation of up to 95 GHz though radiation fabrics which are effective till 8 ghz will also be considered.
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